Saddle Brook Licensed Home Inspector

Saddle Brook Licensed Home Inspector

Whether you are buying a new property or selling an existing one, you will need a home inspection to check the integrity of the property. This is standard practice for home selling and buyers, a practice that also determines the market price of the property. A licensed home inspector will check the structure of the building, the energy systems and the foundations.

Structural Issues

Buyers need to know the quality of the building they’re buying, and sellers need to know how to value their property appropriately. That’s why a home inspector is required to examine structural issues. The home inspector will check if the structure is weak or unstable in places.

A home inspector is different from a structural inspector. A home inspector conducts a visual examination of your property and creates a report – this is a written document that can be used to sell the property. A structural engineer can conduct a more thorough assessment. 

Heating and Cooling System

A property’s heating and cooling system are more important than ever. These days, people want a home that has an efficient heating and cooling system that saves them money on their annual energy bills and reduces the carbon output of their home. A licensed home inspector can help.

Hiring a licensed home inspector means you can have the ducts and equipment checked for efficiency and make the required changes. In addition, an efficient heating and cooling system can increase the price of your home on the market and offers another strong selling point.     

Plumbing and Electrics

A property might look stable salable from the outside, but there can be issues lurking under the surface that lead to major renovations projects that require a significant investment of time and money. Often, these are issues associated with plumbing and electrics.

A licensed home inspector will check the plumbing and electrics in your home and issue a report. This is an important part of the selling process since any of the infrastructure that fails will have to be fixed and re-inspected before the property can go on the market.  

Roof and Walls

The roof is a major selling point in any home. The quality of the roof determines how well the property is insulated, which affects energy costs. The roof also needs to be in good condition; otherwise, it will need to be replaced, a costly and time-consuming project.

Similarly, the walls need to be strong and even. Any cracks in the walls are an indication that the property suffers from subsidence which can threaten the integrity of the building overall. Again, a licensed home inspector will examine the roof and walls carefully and provide a detailed report.


Over time, issues with the property’s foundations can develop. Foundations are usually made of poured concrete which can crack and weaken over time, threatening the integrity of the property. Tree roots can also be an issue as they grow into the cracks, further weakening the foundations. Foundation issues can cause subsidence and can be dangerous, check before selling.  


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